Plaque en grès, Gerd Knäpper

Plaque en grès, Gerd Knäpper


Plaque en grès partiellement émaillée
Gerd Knäpper (1943-2012)
Monogrammé au dos
H 39 x L 27 cm
Très bon état

Partially glazed stoneware plaque
Gerd Knäpper (1943-2012)
Monogrammed on the back
H 39 x W 27 cm
Very good condition

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"...My work is inspired by primitive and modern art of various cultures. My work is to serve as a bridge of understanding of ceramic art between the east and the west, and to offer an interpretation of Japanese ceramic art. I don't consider myself as 
a Japanese artist nor a German artist. Based on my unique position, my work consists of structures which incorporate
elements of the East and the West."
(Gerd Knäpper, Sep 2008)

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Born in Wuppertal, West Germany. Studied metal sculpture and ceramics at art schools in West Germany and the United States before coming to Japan in 1967. Studied under Suzuki Aoi in Seto and later under Shimaoka Tatsuzo in Mashiko through an introduction by Bernard Leach. Opened the Tarosaka kiln in 1975. Recipient of the 1st Japan Ceramic Art Exhibition Minister of Education Award, Nikkei Exhibition Prime Minister’s Award, others. Selected for the Japanese Traditional Crafts Exhibition, Chunichi International Exhibition, Faenza International Exhibition, others. Held a join exhibition with Shimaoka Tatsuzo and a solo exhibition with the Japan Foundation for the 100th anniversary of the Hamburg Kunsthalle art museum. Primarily focused on engraved writing, wave writing and inlay.

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