Koemon Kato (né en 1937)

Koemon Kato (né en 1937)


Vase en grès
Koemon Kato (né en 1937)
Japon, Travail moderne                                  
H 29 x diam 27 cm
Très bon état du vase. Sa boîte est cassée mais remise avec le livret d’exposition

Stoneware vase
Koemon Kato (b. 1937)
Japan, Modern work
H 29 x diam 27 cm
Very good condition. Its box is not in good condition but given with the exhibition booklet.

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The second son of Kato Juemon (1894-1974) Kato Mitsuo changed his name to Koemon in 1975, shortly after his father's death and this teabowl may be dated to about that time. Kato lives in Toki, Gifu Prefecture.

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