Natalia Triantafylli, Vase

Natalia Triantafylli, Vase


Natalia Triantafylli
Amphore à anses bulles
Grès et PLA imprimé en 3D
H 27 x L 26 x P 20 cm 

Natalia Triantafylli
Amphora with bubble handles
Stoneware and 3D printed PLA
H 27 x W 26 x D 20 cm

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Natalia Triantafylli (1992) is a Greek designer and maker based in South London. She holds an MA from the Royal College of Art in Design Products (class of 2021), where she was awarded with a full scholarship by the Burberry Design Foundation. Her work looks into schemas such as luxury, fetish and wander for their transportitive qualities; to unlock dreams and provide a sense of being out-of-place.

Her latest collection ‘Chimeras and Hybrids’ is an amalgamation between handbuilt ceramics and their 3D printed alter egos. The way she is creating the digital parts of the work is very much hands-on. She doesn’t 3D model them but instead she shapes the forms out of clay. These clay forms will later be digitized using photogrammetry enabling her to create a 3D model out of pictures of an object.

Natalia Triantafylli est designer et artisane d’origine grecque, elle vit dans le sud de Londres. Elle est titulaire d'un master du Royal College of Art en design (promotion 2021), où elle a reçu une bourse de la Burberry Design Foundation. Sa dernière collection "Chimères et hybrides" est un croisement de céramiques qu’elle fabrique et de leurs répliques imprimées en 3D. Les parties numériques de l'œuvre ne sont pas modélisées en 3D, mais façonnées en argile puis numérisées à l'aide de la photogramétrie.

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